
How To Install From Tar Bz2

How to install tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in Ubuntu

In modern Linux distribution, almost softwares are available to install from Software application where user only demand to click Install push button. Command line bundle manager management system like apt, yum or dnf also provide one command installation.

Still there are few softwares which are not avaialble to install from the above option. Too when user wants to download latest version which are not released publicly, will have to download from official website. In that cases we demand to download and install software from website.

In Linux, more often than not software files are .tar extension which called as tarball. Tar files are the source code which you need to compile and install. Tarball files have common extensions .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 etc. These are compressed file of source code which yous need to exract first.

When you lot excerpt tarball file, beginning you need to bank check the README file. This file contais installation process. If there are no file with instruction on how to install .tar.gz or tar.bz2 files, there is common manner y'all tin can give a try.

In extract source code file, run the command:

              tar -xzf package-name.tar.gz tar -xjf package-name.tar.bz2            

Now navigate to bundle directory

              cd package-proper name            

If you find filename "README" or "INSTALLATION" in the archive, read and follow instructions. Else run the below commands one by i.

              ./configure make sudo brand install            

That's information technology, the package will compile and install. I hope you liked the article and aid you on your work.



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